Wheelchair Bench Press

Wheelchair Dynamic Bench Pressing with Chains

Below is a video of dynamic bench pressing with chains.

Power = Strength + Speed.

Dynamic exercises are geared to increase the speed of the movement. They should be done submaximally with Bands or Chains. The bands and chains provide accommodating resistance, so the movement gets tougher as you perform the lift.

I prefer chains over bands, but either can be used. Attempt to perform the lift as fast as possible on the way up.

Wheelchair Close Grip Bench Press

Here is a video from Instagram of me doing a Close Grip Bench Press.

Amazing for the Triceps and Chest. You do NOT need to go any more narrow than Shoulder WIdth. Way too many people go WAY too close with their hands. This doesn’t engage the triceps and better, it only hurts your wrists.

I am doing 3 sets at 235lbs. With Double Progression, when I hit my total rep goal, I add weight the next time.

With any bench press movement, close grip or incline, I typically do warmup sets at 135, then go right into my work sets. All the work sets will be at the same weight as I am not going to waste valuable time transferring on and off the bench between every set to change plates. Its a waste of time and eats up our most productive lifting window.