wheelchair back exercises

Wheelchair One Arm Rows

In this video I am doing my preferred version of rows for wheelers. I like to lay face down on a low incline bench, allowing me to brace myself with the other arm. If you have a bench with the space, you can do these with two arms with a barbell. I am not able to do that on this bench.

Another problem with using a barbell in this manner is the range of motion. With 1 arm you can get a very good stretch at the bottom as well as pull up higher for a better contraction.

After pull up variations this is BY FAR the best back exercise for wheelers in my opinion.

Muscles Worked

  • Back

  • Biceps

  • Forearms and Grip

Wheelchair Deadlifts

A new exercise for me is Kettlebell deadlifts. Due to my injury level I didn’t think this was even a realistic exercise for me but I am on my way.

For now I have to use bands to help lift my body up. Moving the actual weight is not an issue, in the video I am using 35lb kettlebells. I expect this to rapidly increase over time.

For us wheelers this is primary a shoulder exercise. Start the movement with a shrug movement with your traps and pull back the weight with your upper back. To finish off the movement your lower back will raise up your body to the vertical position. For now this is the part where I will need the band, but hopefully this will not always be the case.

This is a great exercise and something new for me which always keeps training fresh, challenging and fun.