Wheelchair Snatch

Wheelchair Snatch High Pulls

In this exercise demonstration I am showing a wheelchair variation of snatch grip high pulls.

This is done with 1 arm at a time, with a barbell lying on the ground.

In this specific video I am using lighter weight with the goal of improving speed as well as pulling the bar up to shoulder height.

This exercise will:

  • Build Muscle in the Traps and Upper Back. It is so much more effective than shrugs.

  • Improve your ability for snatches and clean and jerk movements.

  • Improves speed and explosion

Wheelchair Kettlebell Snatches

Below is a video of Kettlebell snatches. These are a great exercise for a wheeler version of a full body exercise.

Kettlebells are awesome and extremely flexible. Works the traps, shoulders, grip and endurance directly but your grip will get some work as well as your biceps and triceps work to control and stabilize the kettlebell.

Initiate the movement with a slight swing of the kettlebell, the pull up through the shoulder and flip the kettlebell around your hand at the top. You will NOT have to go very heavy on these. Fatigue will set in after only a few reps.